SLN News
Within the these pages you will find information about events, resources, news, advocacy, safety, caregiving, and other related information.
Book Recommendations from the Sibling Community
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This week, we’d like to feature two book recommendations* from our friends at The Sibling Support Project. The Sibling Survival Guide: Indispensable Information for Brothers and Sisters of Adults with…
Upcoming Events Around the SLN
Here are the upcoming events around the Sibling Leadership Network in March: March 1st to April 5 – WisconSibs – Sibs are my Peeps Photo Challenge The contest runs from…
Research Opportunity for Parents and Siblings of Autistic Adults
Parents and siblings of autistic adults are invited to participate in a study about long-term care planning. Participation includes completing an online survey and a remote interview (via Zoom or…
Chapter Events this Week
This week, WisconSibs is having two events: February 17 – Madison SibShop for Children Ages 6 to 12 WisconSibs Sibshops are workshops for children ages 6-12 who are brothers and…
Resource Spotlight: CFPB Guides for Managing Someone Else’s Money
This week, we would like to highlight The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau’s Managing Someone Else’s Money series. They have four easy-to-understand guides to help financial caregivers understand their duties, watch…
Research Participants Needed
Do you have a sibling with an intellectual and developmental disability (IDD)? Are you a caregiver for your sibling with IDD? Are you 18 years or older? If you answered…
SLN Vice Chair: Lisa Matthews
The Sibling Leadership Network welcomes Lisa Matthews as the new Vice Chair of SLN’s Board of Directors. Lisa Matthews is a native Washingtonian. She currently works as a Chief Grants…
CASLN: Future Planning in Adulthood
CaliforniaSibs Presents: Future Planning in Adulthood with Audrey Vernick of the Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery Alliance (PESA). Join CaliforniaSibs for an enlightening meet-up session, featuring the esteemed guest speaker, Audrey Vernick.…
S.I.B.S: Losing a Special Needs Sibling Chat
Hosted by Supporting Illinois Brothers & Sisters (S.I.B.S.), Loss of a Special Needs Chat are virtual gatherings for adult siblings who have a sibling with a disability who has died.…
The SLN Welcomes Missouri Sibling Leadership Network
Please join us in extending a warm welcome to the Missouri Sibling Leadership Network! The Missouri Sibling Leadership Network (MO SLN) is a group of adult siblings that started working…