Research Recruitment
We are pleased that you are interested in conducting research on siblings as this is a much needed area of research. At the SLN, we have a process wherein researchers submit their recruitment materials and IRB approval. Our Research Committee then reviews the materials and, if approved, distributes the materials to the SLN constituency, including the SLN chapters.
If you are seeking participants for a research project that you would like the Sibling Leadership Network to consider, you can submit the proposal that includes the full study and IRB approval to: If your study is approved, we will distribute your recruitment materials to our SLN listserv as well as post your recruitment materials on our website and Facebook page.
Please click here to complete the research recruitment proposal form
Increasing the Inclusion of Siblings in Disability Research
We hope to support fellow sibling researchers by providing a forum to share ideas and receive feedback. We work with sibling researchers and researchers interested in sibling issues to find appropriate recruitment methods and develop quality research programs.
- With, Not For: The Importance of Inclusivity in Research: Olivia Najdovski with the Samuel Centre for Social Connectedness and Special Olympics athlete and Board Member, Ben Haack, tell us about the importance of inclusion in research. This article introduces an inclusive study they are conducting to survey people with IDD about their experiences with siblings.
- Tips for Inclusive Research: Tips to conduct research which meaningfully includes people with intellectual disabilities throughout the entire research process. – English
- Sibling Experiences Research One-Pager: This guide presents findings from a study exploring the experiences of siblings of people with intellectual disabilities in Latin America, Africa, and Asia Pacific – English | Spanish
- Sibling Relationships: The Current Literature: An overview of the experiences of siblings of people with intellectual disabilities based on findings from a literature review of the current research. – English