“In Caregiving with Siblings – Part 1 of this two-part series on adult siblings jointly providing care to aging parents, we followed the story of Christine, age 56, who was overwhelmed as the primary caregiver for her aging mother. Her brother resides out-of-town and her sister is neglecting her share of the caregiving load. According to AARP, an estimated 44 million people are acting as family caregivers, making Christine’s situation a common one for families across the country.
While one sibling may be appointed as the primary caregiver for an aging parent, it is vital that the other siblings support caregiving efforts and participate in the overall process. This support will promote emotional and physical well-being for all involved caregivers. However, gaining the support of siblings can be one of the most challenging aspects of bringing together an efficient caregiving team. Below we outline four tips to help unify your siblings in providing the best possible care for elderly parents…”
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