Michigan Sibs Conference Coming up!

Conferences, Events

illustration [Converted]Facing the Future together – 2014 Statewide Conference

Siblings have the longest of any human relationship. Next to our parents, who often know us from birth to adulthood, our siblings are likely to know us even longer.
Michigan Supporting and Including our Brothers and Sisters (MI SIBS)  is hosting its second day-long statewide conference, “Facing the Future Together”, to honor and learn about siblings connection involving family members with disabilities.  The conference is scheduled for Saturday, October 18, 2014 at the Crowne Plaza and Hotel in Lansing from 8:30 am- 4:30 pm.
“Facing the Future Together” addresses concerns of adults who identify as having a brother or sister living with a disability. Here they will connect with other siblings and sibling-supporters (“sibling” in-laws, cousins, blended families) to become better informed decision-makers, and gain the tools to prepare and secure the future well-being of individuals with disabilities and their families.
Featured speakers include

  • Katie Arnold, Executive Director of the national Sibling Leadership Network (SLN)
  • Lynda Zeller, Deputy Director, Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities Administration at the Michigan Department of Community Health
  • Michigan attorneys Roxanne Chang and Lisa Lepine, Executive Director of Arc Services of Macomb; both presenters are highly experienced in guiding sibling and their families to plan for the future needs of one’s brother or sister with a disability. This includes trusts, wills, and advocacy supports.

Current sponsors include the Developmental Disabilities Institute at Wayne State University, The Arc of Western Wayne County and Community Drive, Inc.
Conference fees are $40 per person or $20 for students and people with disabilities. Registration is open and available with conference program booklet at the MI SIBS website, www.misibs.org
Download the full 2014 MISIBS Conference Program here!
We hope to see you there!

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