Financial Planning Workshop Held by Tennessee Adult Brothers and Sisters (TABS)


tabsThrough the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, Tennessee Adult Brothers and Sisters (TABS),  the TN chapter of the Sibling Leadership Network, is offering a futures planning session focusing on both the legal and financial aspects of planning for an individual with special needs.  While TABS is primarily focused on the perspectives of siblings, parents are also welcome to attend.
Colleen MacLean, Attorney at Law, will discuss steps that can be taken utilizing legal tools such as conservatorship and Special Needs Trusts to provide for our loved ones while Bobby Christian, Investment Advisor Representative with the Principal Group, will share his experience regarding financial planning for those with special needs.
Colleen and Bobby both have experience in the special needs community and are collaborating in this session to provide comprehensive guidelines to the futures planning process for families of those with differing abilities.
Participants should gain an insight into what questions to contemplate prior to visiting with attorneys and financial planners along with questions to ask those providers.  Family members should also gain a better understanding of the terminology and basic steps to developing a futures plan for loved ones with special needs.
Please share with others and we hope to see you there!
Registration is at
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