Question: How is occupational choice impacted for siblings of individuals with disabilities?
Description: My name is April Sawyer and I am an Occupational Therapy student at UNC. Occupational therapy assists with identifying and addressing the barriers our clients face when participating in their activities of daily living (individual, contextual, and environmental). For example, these barriers may occur as a result of a disability, a traumatic injury, or a specific life transition. This research project is the capstone of our master’s program. I am researching the impact of having a sibling with a disability; specifically for young adults (aged 18-39) that have siblings with moderate or profound disabilities. My hope is to discover the ways that this role impacts their choices (i.e. choice of career, choice of friends/partners, moving decisions, role of caregiving over their choices, etc). I also hope to highlight the importance of this role and of supporting siblings of those with disabilities. Participants will complete a short initial self-survey to ensure that they meet criteria. Following this, they will be asked to participate in a one-on-one interview lasting no more than 1-2 hours.
To participate, contact with your responses to the following initial questions:
Participant Inclusion/Exclusion Screening |
· Your age: · Your sibling’s age: · Briefly describe your sibling’s methods of communication: · Does your sibling require assistance with self-care? If so, how much? Briefly describe current supports in this area. · Does your sibling require direct supervision in social situations? If so, why? Briefly describe current supports in this area. · Is your sibling able to live independently? If so, please briefly describe why and any current supports in this area. · May we contact you in the future for a more in-depth interview? |
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