TO: AUCD Network
FROM: Kim Musheno
As you know the Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) is collecting information from people with disabilities, families and professionals about how the Administration should support people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities. Besides holding in-person forums across the country (Envisioning the Future Forums), ADD has been collecting recommendations online.
Unfortunately, ADD is hearing much more from those who support institutional care over full participation in the community. Please take a moment to add your voice as to how you would like our nation to invest money and effort.
If you it makes it easier, you can simply cut and paste this message:
“I believe ADD should support full participation for people with disabilities in the community. People with disabilities want to live, work, and recreate in the community. Please put resources into community supports and services, NOT into institutions.”
You can add a personal story if you want. The website for submitting testimony is:
To see testimonies that have already been posted, please refer to:
It’s critical that ADD hear from many people with intellectual and developmental disabilities or their family members. Please submit your comments before March 4 at:
2 Comments. Leave new
As a special education teacher working in a multiple disabilities classroom, I see the wonderful and differing types of intelligences and how they add so considerably to the intellectual and spiritual wealth of our community. Everyone has gifts to offer, why on earth would we want to deny ourselves of the rare and beautiful gifts that are before us. We need to slow down and see that maybe we are the ones who are delayed in development if the best we can think of is institutional settings.
“I believe ADD should support full participation for people with disabilities in the community. People with disabilities want to live, work, and recreate in the community. Please put resources into community supports and services, NOT into institutions.”