Adult sibs of people with disabilities from Pennsylvania won’t want to miss out on the exciting opportunity to take part in the brand new Sibling Ambassadors Program. Apply for the program by May 31st to join a group of leaders in the sibling movement!
The Sibling Ambassadors Program is a leadership training program for adult siblings of people with disabilities to build the sibling network in PA and become SibAmbassadors in your region.
What will I do as a Sibling Ambassador?
- Attend the sibling leadership training September 16 & 17 in Harrisburg, PA to build leadership skills as well as learn about the sibling movement and the resources available to support siblings
- Develop an action plan at the training to help create a sibling support group in your region
- Help expand the PA Sibling Support Network by connecting siblings in your region and creating a sibling support group
- Build awareness about the sibling experience in your region by disseminating information and resources to your networks
Who is eligible for the program? We are looking for a total of 20 adult siblings of people with disabilities from across the five regions of Pennsylvania to participate in this training and become SibAmbassadors in their regions.
When and where is the leadership training being held? September 16-17, 2016. The training will start on Friday afternoon, September 16th and end on Saturday afternoon, September 17th. Funding is available for participant’s lodging and travel. Location: Temple University Harrisburg; 234 Strawberry Square, Room 246; Harrisburg, PA
How do I apply? Applications are due May 31st. For more details, visit:
This project is led by the national Sibling Leadership Network in partnership with the Pennsylvania Sibling Support Network and the Institute on Disabilities at Temple University. This project is supported by a grant from the Pennsylvania Developmental Disabilities Council.
Questions? Contact Katie Arnold at