Wording on orange and blue background

Project ENGAGE Info Session on 7/19

News, Research & Surveys

There is an exciting research opportunity for people with disabilities to share their experiences and what they would like to see happen when people with disabilities are asked to participate in health research.

This survey will help researchers understand how people with lived experience feel about health research AND help them develop solutions about how to support decision making!

The survey designers are joining us for a Q&A on Wed, July 19th from 5-6pm EST/4-5pm CST/ 2-3pm PST to talk more about the survey and answer your questions on how you can support your sibling to complete this survey!

Register to join the zoom session at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMvdu-gqDwoHd3eE9YbwHH0KjMHQQEv-Wxd

About this project:

Project ENGAGE, a research study funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is seeking adults with intellectual disability to be in a research study and share ideas about being included in a new type of health research!

Eligible people can receive $50 for taking the survey. For more information is available here: https://youtu.be/nXKid5Y9k4Y

To learn more, take the survey, or ask questions about accommodations, please contact Project ENGAGE:

Wording on a white background with orange and blue accents

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