A new SLN podcast is finally here! Check it out!
This month, we talk with Harriet Redman, founder of one of SLN’s first chapters, Wisconsibs, and founder of SLN’s newest chapter, Oregon Sibs, Nikki Donnelly. We discuss why sib meeting spaces are so important and how you can get involved or start your own chapter.
Access the transcript of this episode here.
Acceda a la transcripción en español.
The power in having people in your community that can help you navigate through this sib life.” —Nikki Donnelly
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Don’t give up…there’s all kinds of reasons to stop, but don’t. Just keep going…and when you’re feeling discouraged give an SLN chapter person a call or an email.” —Harriet Redman
Resources in this episode:
- SLN Chapters page
- Wisconsibs
- Oregon Sibs MeetUp
- The Sibling Survival Guide book
- Sibshops book
- Sibshops on Siblings Support Project
- Oregon FMLA information
- What About Me? by Wisconsibs
- Sibsack by Wisconsibs
- Journey Forward by Wisconsibs
- Siblings Choice Award by Wisconsibs
- Wisconsibs Read book club
- Wisconsibs event calendar
- Intro to Sibs by Oregon Sibs
- Oregon Sibs Announcement
- Contact Harriet Redman: info@wisconsibs.org
- Contact Nikki Donnelly: nikki.donnelly@oregonsibs.org
Siblings talking to other siblings is so much a gift that if you are an organizer and you can make that connection happen, it’s worth everything you did to make it happen.” —Harriet Redman
Music Credit: Hope by Scandinavianz | https://soundcloud.com/scandinavianz
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com